do you think? Do you like? You can click on the photo to make the
picture larger. I want to do a little tweaking. I want to change the
colorful poppies picture on the wall with a new Currier & Ives
winter print my friend gave me for Christmas. I also want to add some
rolled up sheet music and a handmade banner or tags. Anyway, do you know
what the best part of this project is? I didn't buy anything new! Well,
that's probably my husband's favorite part! ;) The next photo is the
before picture.

It was nice, but change is good and gives us something different to look at. How about a few detailed photos?

a little shell display. The shells in the vintage Bell jar are those
Christopher, Dan and I collected on our summer trip to Carolina Beach.

the flowers is a bell jar housing the adorable little bird music box
pictured below. I recently found it for just $12 at one of my local
antique shops and thought it too sweet!

up is some faux paper whites. I've never really liked faux flowers and
plants that much, but some are pretty realistic and I don't have the
time to fetch and arrange fresh flowers.

next photo is a stack of books I gathered up that fit the color theme. I
want to add a few more books throughout the shelves so I think I'll
wrap some in sheet music or Kraft paper...I believe I have some laying
around somewhere.

Next is this adorable iron RCA dog I found last summer at the Raleigh flea market. He was a bargain at only $8!

Look at that sweet little face! I tell you, if it's cute, I have a difficult time leaving it behind! :)

This old bird was too cute to pass up on another vintage treasure hunt. And at just $2 dollars, how could I resist?!?! :)